




East Area


Guildhall Planning Panel




Application at:

Former Gas Works Heworth Green York 


Reserved matters application for appearance and landscaping - Zone A only.  For 119 dwellings and commercial/community use unit.


Heworth Green Development Ltd

Application Type:

Major Reserved Matters Application

Target Date:

8 November 2021






Application site


1.1 The application site was previously occupied by York Gas Works.  The gasholder has been decommissioned and the hazardous substance consent(s) revoked in 2017.  The site is on the Brownfield Land register and is allocated in the 2018 Publication Draft Local Plan for housing; 336 dwellings overall, site reference H1.  The overall site covers 3.56 hectares (ha). 


1.2 The Heworth Green/East Parade Conservation Area extends into the front of the site alongside Heworth Green.  Listed buildings in the vicinity include 19 Heworth Court and Heworth Croft on the opposite side of Heworth Green, 26 Heworth Green, adjacent the site, and  44, 46, 48-50 Heworth Green, further east, beyond Mill Lane, all of which are of 19th century date.




1.3 Outline planning permission was approved for residential-lead redevelopment of the site in July 2020.  The application was considered by planning committee 12.3.2020 (application 19/00979/OUTM).  There is also a full planning permission for enabling works; demolition of existing buildings and replacement infrastructure, site remediation, re-profiling of ground levels and new vehicle entrances for the re-development (application 19/02168/FULM).  


1.4 The proposed site access, layout and scale of buildings were approved reserved matters under the outline application. 




1.5 This application is for zone A and the outstanding reserved matters; the appearance of the development and the detailed landscaping.  The layout and building heights adhere to the details already approved.  The appearance of the buildings is informed by the design code and parameters, approved under the outline application.


1.6 Zone A contains two buildings, these face Heworth Green and are positioned between Eboracum Way and the approved main access from Heworth Green.  The layout is informed by the new underground gas pipework which sits between the two buildings and has an associated easement.  The buildings would be 5-storey high, with the top floor recessive in scale.


1.7 The schedule of accommodation would be as follows (and this accords with the outline permission, condition 17)




Studio        28

1-bed          44

2-bed          34

3-bed          13

Total           119




130 sq m commercial floor space, in block A2 by the main entrance,  which could accommodate various uses, within the new use class E (including retail, commercial, food and drink, day centre) or class F1 (which would include public buildings or education/training facilities).  





2.1 Key Sections of the NPPF


Section 4   Decision making

Section 5    Delivering a sufficient supply of homes

Section 11 Making effective use of land

Section 12 Achieving well-designed places

Section 16 Conserving and enhancing the historic Environment


2.2 Key relevant policies of the 2018 Publication Draft Local Plan


SS1 Delivering Sustainable Growth for York

HW7 Healthy Places

D1     Placemaking

D2     Landscape and Setting

D4     Conservation Areas

D5     Listed Buildings

GI2    Biodiversity and Access to Nature

GI3    Green Infrastructure Network

GI4    Trees and Hedgerows





Design, Conservation & Sustainable Development




3.1 Supports the application, subject to recommended conditions on detailed design and materials.  The scheme has been amended (as requested) and the top floor modelling and architectural design is now much less complicated, has reduced visual impact, and greater elegance.




3.2 Officers support the principles within the landscaping scheme.  In particular wide planted verges and street trees / new planting along Eboracum Way / private amenity space to ground floor apartments and active frontages / roof terrace as amenity space with inclusion of planting.


3.3 In respect of detail the following recommendations and requests were made -


-      Eboracum Way – asked for Rowan (large) trees alongside the street.  Three 4 m high (at time of planting) are proposed along with three cherry trees. 


-      Specification for the works should include the subgrade preparation and not just a minimum depth of top soil for each planting type.


-      Highway Network Management have expressed concern about the location of one of the trees within Central Square. The three large trees proposed would make a defining contribution to the amenity of the development so details should be provided to show a section through the full pavement and tree pit construction (including utilities where applicable), and final locations, such that there would be no impingement on the functional pavement width as the trees mature and grow in girth.


-      Officers suggested up-lighting of existing trees would not be suitable for ecological reasons.  This approach was omitted on revision P04 of the landscape plans.


Highway Network Management


3.4 Travel Plan

-      Commitment to employment of the travel plan co-ordinator and adequate funding is required.

-      Annual surveys – a response rate of 30% is realistic but relatively low. Ask that traffic counts are added to the travel plan to check whether the target trip rates are being met (linked to the additional measures if they are not) and measures to encourage responses if targets not met for the first year of the survey or subsequent years.


3.5 Cycle storage

-      Bike maintenance equipment should be provided in the cycle stores.  (This will be a condition of approval). 

-      Cycle store access doors should be at least 1.2m wide.  Officer note - there is adequate annotation on the revised cycle store plans drawing showing dimensions meet manufacturer’s recommendations.  It is also specified doors will be self-closing and locking in the interests of security.


3.6 Landscape

-      Street trees - Tree pits required to be to adoptable standards and trees positioned to avoid services and blocking the footpath.

-      Remain concerned that one of the street trees, located within the footpath could impede pedestrians. 

-      A 2m wide path has been provided between Minster View Street and Eboracum Way as requested.


3.7 Bins

-      Clarification was sought (and has been provided) that there is adequate space for bins to be manoeuvred for collection.


Public Protection


3.8 Recommend planning conditions in respect of construction management, noise within dwellings and EV.  Officer note - these items are all covered by conditions under the outline permission (which applies to the development).


Conservation Areas Advisory Panel


3.9 The Panel commented on the original scheme which has since been amended.  Considered the buildings appeared very ‘heavy’, lacking in colour and stark, with particularly a lack of detailing to the elevations. The blocks do not relate to the size and scale of the buildings within the Conservation Area opposite.





4.1 Two representations have been made and are summarised below.  The scheme has been revised since consultation, with the scale of the top floor reduced.


Cllr B Webb


4.2 Main concern is that the promised ‘community space’ in the outline plan has now been changed to a commercial development. Consider that the promise of community space was part of the reason some councillors approved the original decision. It appears this promise has now been reneged on by the developers.


4.3 The design is very ‘heavy’ in its colouring and block-like feel in comparison to neighbouring properties and the neighbouring conservation area; however this can be mitigated with decent landscaping.


4.4 One other objection has been received.  Concern over the height of the building and comparisons with the Rowntree Factory buildings.  York has always been careful to limit the height of developments, but concerns that there is a creeping normalisation of oversized properties being put forward.




Key Issues


-      Principle of the proposed development

-      Appearance

-      Heritage Assets

-      Landscaping

-      Travel Plan


Principle of the proposed development


5.1 The development has outline permission.   The principle of the amount and mix of residential and commercial development proposed is established, as are the layout, scale and height of the proposed development, and the amount of car parking. 


5.2 External consultation comments refer to the proposed community use of the commercial unit.  The outline permission is flexible in allowing multiple uses of this building that could compliment residential development.  Permitted uses could include retail space or a café / restaurant, in addition to a community space.  The use of this building is not varied in any way within this application.  


5.3 The outline permission and its associated conditions also deal with technical issues including drainage / impact on wider highway network / affordable housing / public protection / sustainability / ecology / planning obligations.


5.4 This application is for consideration of the appearance of the buildings in detail and the hard and soft landscaping within the phase.


Policy Context


5.5 In respect of appearance and landscaping, policy within paragraphs 130 and 131 of the NPPF are relevant.  These state developments should - 

-      Be visually attractive, as a result of good architecture, layout and appropriate and effective landscaping.

-      Be sympathetic to local character and history, including the surrounding built environment and landscape setting, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation or change (such as increased densities).

-      Establish or maintain a strong sense of place, using the arrangement of streets, spaces, building types and materials to create attractive, welcoming and distinctive places to live, work and visit.

-      Create places that are safe, inclusive and accessible and which promote health and well-being, with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users and where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine the quality of life or community cohesion and resilience.

-      Acknowledge that trees make an important contribution to the character and quality of urban environments, and can also help mitigate and adapt to climate change.  Trees should be incorporated in developments with appropriate measures are in place to secure the long-term maintenance of newly-planted trees, and that existing trees are retained wherever possible.


5.6 Publication Draft Local Plan 2018 policies D1 and D2 on place-making and landscaping require -


-      Ensure proposals are not a pale imitation of past architectural styles.

-      Ensure appropriate building materials are used.

-      Meet the highest standards of accessibility and inclusion

-      Demonstrate the use of best practice in contemporary urban design and place making.

-      Integrate car parking and servicing within the design of development so as not to dominate the street scene.

-      Create active frontages to public streets and spaces.

-      Create buildings and spaces that are fit for purpose but are also adaptable to respond to change.  Create places that feel true to their intended purpose.

-      Create opportunities to enhance the public use and enjoyment of existing and proposed streets and open spaces.

-      Recognise the significance of landscape features such as mature trees, hedges, and historic boundaries.

-      include planting proposals that are clearly evidence based and make a positive contribution to the character of streets, spaces and other landscapes.


5.7 The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 section 66 advises that in considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, the local planning authority shall pay special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or exercise of any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses.  The Council has a statutory duty (under section 72) to consider the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character and appearance of designated conservation areas.


5.8 The NPPF states that local planning authorities should identify and assess the particular significance of any heritage asset (such as a listed building or conservation area) that may be affected by a proposal (including by development affecting the setting of a heritage asset) taking account of the available evidence and any necessary expertise. They should take this into account when considering the impact of a proposal on a heritage asset, to avoid or minimise any conflict between the heritage asset’s conservation and any aspect of the proposal.  When considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance of a designated heritage asset (i.e. a listed building or conservation area) great weight should be given to the asset’s conservation; the more important the asset, the greater the weight should be. Any harm to, or loss of, the significance of a designated heritage asset should require clear and convincing justification.






5.9 The proposed building would have a brick façade, punctuated by recessed balconies at the upper level and on corners, which will help reduce the perceived scale.  Materials will respect the Heworth Green context and the neighbouring conservation area.  The ground floors on the outward facing facades are animated with the commercial unit, and front doors and private gardens to dwellings.  In accordance with the design code for the site, where the buildings face Heworth Green and Eboracum Way, the top floor is set back 4m from the main façade, which will reduce its prominence.  The detailing of the top floor and its bulk has been refined in revised plans, giving a sleek appearance and attractive roofscape, which would not be unduly prominent.  The revisions have support from the Council’s Design and Conservation Architect.  The buildings are of acceptable design, considering planning policy guidance and adhere to the design code and parameter plans established within the outline permission.  A condition will control the typical details to ensure that in construction, the articulation and qualities shown within the design and access statement are realised.   




5.10 The installation of the landscaping is controlled through outline permission condition 20.  The landscaping proposals follow the principles established in the outline application, in particular those noted below.  Conditions are proposed to secure installation and the precise detailing, to demonstrate planting will be of sufficient quality and robust, in particular in respect of new trees in the public realm and close to utilities. 


-      Trees along Heworth Green are retained.  Within the site, beyond these are a shared path 3m wide connecting into Eboracum Way.


-      Ground floor dwellings have front doors onto the street and their own amenity areas which provide defendable space and give a human scale and promote interaction.


-      Both new streets are tree lined.  Further work has been undertaken since consultation to ensure prominent street trees can be accommodated within the main ‘arrival street’.  Trees will also form part of the landscape along Eboracum Way, ranging in height between 4m and 5.5m at the time of planting.  The existing street scene along Eboracum Way will be enhanced and new connections formed providing access to the central green within the application site.


-      The first floor podium deck will include private outside space for residents, soft landscaping, conceal car parking and provide shared outside amenity space.


-      Surfacing will be good quality and the setting is designed to give priority to place-making and pedestrians.


-      Private and semi-private areas are clearly defined.  Access to parking areas (including the cycle stores) is gated.




5.11 There is space for servicing and taxi-drop off within the areas where vehicles are permitted.  In terms of car parking 45 secure spaces are provided (in accordance with the outline permission), comprising 35 standard spaces, 4 disabled/accessible parking spaces (in close proximity to each block entrance), 4 electric vehicle charging point spaces and 2 visitor parking spaces.


Cycle parking


5.12 The outline permission is complied with which requires at least one cycle parking space per dwelling.  The covered and secure provision for Zone A is 107% and there is extra space for larger bikes / trailers etc.  In addition there are 12 visitor spaces.  The layout has been annotated with dimensions to show it is suitable and spacing complies with manufacturer’s recommendations.  Doors are self-closing and locking.  


Heritage Assets


5.13 The group of trees at the front of the site, facing Heworth Green are within the Heworth Green East Parade Huntington Road Conservation Area.  The description of the conservation area states that the main elements of the character and appearance of the area include - Heworth Green, which has the most architecturally significant and the largest of the suburban houses and villas in the Conservation Area and the trees and gardens surrounding the houses on Heworth Green.


5.14 The Conservation Area boundary extends to the north of the site, on the opposite side of the road, to accommodate the historic curtilage of Heworth Croft, a villa built in 1842 and Grade II listed.  The land around the listed building now contains recent housing (Ripon Croft) which is a mix of 3 and 4 storey.  On the south side of Heworth Green the conservation area encroaches into the site, accommodating the trees at the edge of the site and it includes numbers 26 (Grade II Listed), 36 Heworth Green and Heworth Court.  Grade II listed 26 Heworth Green is a house dating from 1835, which sits between Heworth Green and development Zone C within the site.


5.15 The site is viewed in context along Heworth Green with the 3-5-storey residential building on the opposite side of Eboracum Way.  The outline permission for zone A established the principle of buildings 5-storey, with a recessive top floor and a layout that meant the building would sit behind retained trees alongside Heworth Green. 


5.16 The scheme, by virtue of its location scale, materials, detailed design and roof form would sit comfortably in this part of the conservation area.  No harm is identified to the character and appearance of the conservation area or the setting of listed buildings. 


Residential amenity


5.17 The scale and layout of the building has been approved already through the outline application.  The scheme does not raise any concerns in terms of existing resident’s amenity. 


5.18 As agreed in principle at outline stage, and required through condition, this zone of development provides an acceptable mix of apartment types.  This includes duplex apartments, and apartments with front doors and gardens.  47 of the 119 apartments are 2-bed and 3-bed. 


5.19 The dwellings will have reasonable outlook and most have their own private outside amenity space (gardens at ground level, balconies on upper floors and use of rooftop areas) and all have access to the communal amenity space on the first floor deck. In terms of accessibility 30% of dwellings in Zone C meet Part M4(2) compliance (Accessible and adaptable dwellings).  Communal areas (internal and external) are Part M4(3) (wheelchair user) compliant. 


Travel Plan


5.20 Travel Plans are ultimately controlled through condition 30 of the outline permission.  The condition requires that “the following measures shall be repeated annually if the travel plan targets are not met -

- Doorstep Personalised travel planning

- Residents offered vouchers to supplement cycle and equipment purchase

- Residents offered funding for free/discounted public transport tickets

- Residents offered free car club membership & drive time for residents”


5.21 Triggers for implementation of the enhanced measures are detailed in the revised travel plan for this phase (version 1.3).  Measures will be implemented if the travel survey response rates are inadequate and if modal share targets are not met.  Implementation can be agreed with CYC annually if required, which allows for agreement and implementation of the most appropriate measures. 


5.22 The applicants will retain ownership of the development and be responsible for maintenance of communal/public areas.   They have confirmed they will appoint and fund the travel plan co-ordinator role.  The Travel Plan commits to notifying the council of the co-ordinator and sets out their on-going responsibilities over the lifetime of the plan.


5.23 In respect of ongoing monitoring and feedback from residents condition 8 requires agreement of the monitoring, as Highway Network Management consider a 30% response rate is inadequate.




6.1 This reserved matters application provides the outstanding details following the outline planning permission.  The amount and type of development proposed and the landscaping principles accord with the outline permission.  This application details the design and appearance of the buildings and the landscaping.  The details accord with the expectations established at outline stage and national policy within the NPPF and Publication Draft Local Plan 2018 policy regarding design and landscaping. 


6.2 Planning conditions related to the scheme are contained in the outline permission.  Conditions in this application relate to the detailed design and landscaping.  A condition is also included to give clarity regarding Travel Plan implementation, ongoing monitoring and, if necessary the additional measures to be engaged should the travel plan targets not be met.    



7.0  RECOMMENDATION: Approve       



 1      The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans:-


Location / site plans


19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03) 001 Rev B

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03) 005 Rev B

19139-VB-ZA-00-DR-A-(03) 104 Rev C

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03) 105 Rev C


Floor plans


19139-VB-ZA-00-DR-A-(03)110.3 Rev B

19139-VB-ZA-01-DR-A-(03)111.3 Rev B

19139-VB-ZA-02-DR-A-(03)112.3 Rev B

19139-VB-ZA-03-DR-A-(03)113.3 Rev B

19139-VB-ZA-04-DR-A-(03)114.3 Rev C

19139-VB-ZA-05-DR-A-(03)115 Rev D




19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)131 Rev C

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)131-C Rev D

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)132 Rev C

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)132-C Rev D

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)133 Rev D

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)134 Rev D


Facade details / large-scale details


19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)120 Rev D

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)121 Rev A

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)122 Rev A

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)150 Rev C

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)151 Rev C

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)152 Rev C




0575-RFM-ZA-XX-DR-L - 0001 P05, 0002 P06, 0003 P02, 0004 P04, 0101 P03


Large scale drawings showing cycle stores / bins fit for purpose


19139-VB-ZA-00-DR-A-(03)160 C

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(03)161 Rev B


Parameter plan overlays


19139-VB-ZA-00-DR-A-(06)110 Rev B

19139-VB-ZA-01-DR-A-(06)111Rev B

19139-VB-ZA-02-DR-A-(06)112 Rev B

19139-VB-ZA-03-DR-A-(06)113 Rev B

19139-VB-ZA-04-DR-A-(06)114 Rev C

19139-VB-ZA-XX-DR-A-(06)115 Rev C


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


 2      Tree planting detail


No development shall commence until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority all tree planting details.  Typical details shall include: means of support, protection (including prevention of strimmer damage), and irrigation; soil volumes and structural soil cell systems where applicable, and the corresponding paving detail, and locations of underground utilities; maintenance regime and responsibilities.  Where trees are to be located within paved areas, the surface area of soil cell systems, soil volumes, and tree species, and any utilities, shall also be shown on a tree planting plan.


Reason: In accordance with NPPF section 12.  Required prior to commencement as suitable detailing and maintenance will encourage the proposed trees to survive and thrive.  This is necessary as they are a critical element of the approved landscape and setting of the development.


 3      Materials


Prior to the commencement of construction manufacturer's details of the external materials to buildings shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out using the approved materials.  Samples shall be provided on site for approval, as required, by the Local Planning Authority.


Details to include component system samples for metal cladding / different types of glazing panels


A sample panel of the brickwork to be used on the buildings shall be erected on the site and shall illustrate the colour, texture and bonding of brickwork and the mortar treatment to be used, and shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of construction.  The panel(s) shall be retained until a minimum of 2 square metres of wall of the approved development has been completed in accordance with the approved sample.


Reason: In the interests of good design and visual amenity, in accordance with the NPPF, paragraph 130.


 4      Large scale details


Prior to the commencement of construction of the relevant building large scale details (at 1:20 or 1:10 scale) of the items listed below shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


-      Typical sections (to demonstrate compliance with details shown in the design and access statement) to be annotated with AOD levels.  Details to show variations in typical ground-to-roof bay in each wall material, and their general variations, such as differing types of recessed feature planes, any wall ventilation grilles, guarding, external rainwater goods, wall interfaces at ground, projecting balconies, set back top floor levels, roof eaves, privacy screens (to external areas).  The details shall illustrate brick window reveals are a minimum 200mm deep before the plane of a window.

-      Typical visible external soffits

-      Any external plant, to be shown in context.

-      Construction details of green roof and schedule of planting for such areas.

-      Means of enclosure to the cycle store within the undercroft parking area and roof covering to cycle store within the car park area.


Reason: In the interests of good design, in accordance with NPPF paragraph 130 and taking into particular consideration the scale and prominence of the development.


 5      Landscaping


The landscaping details, as shown on reform drawing 0575 RFM ZA XX DR L 0001 P03 shall be installed in accordance with the aforementioned drawing in accordance with the timeframes for installation as set out in condition 20 of the outline permission 19/00979/OUTM.  The stock to be planted shall accord with the planting schedule 0575-RFM-ZA-XX-DR-L-0003-S2-P01.


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and biodiversity and to ensure landscaping is in accordance with details approved within this reserved matters application.


 6      Cycle storage


The cycle storage as shown on approved drawing 19139-VB-ZA-XX-M3-A-(03)160 revision C shall be installed in accordance with the aforementioned approved drawing prior to first occupation of the relevant building, in accordance with the timeframes for installation as set out in condition 22 of the outline permission 19/00979/OUTM.


The cycle stores shall be covered and secure.  The cycle maintenance equipment (as specified in the Travel Plan version 1.3 section 4.3) shall be provided in the cycle stores for each building.


Reason: To promote sustainable travel in accordance with section 9 of the NPPF and to acknowledge relevant details required under the outline application are approved.


 7      Highways


The buildings shall not be occupied until the areas shown on the approved plans for parking, visitor parking, servicing (visitor parking and servicing as shown on drawing 0575-RFM-ZA-XX-DR-L-0001) and manoeuvring of vehicles have been constructed and laid out in accordance with the approved plans, and thereafter such areas shall be retained solely for such purposes.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and the functionality of the area, in accordance with NPPF paragraphs 112 and 130.


 8      Travel Plan


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the Fore Full Residential Travel Plan - Zones A and C version 1.3, and the Fore residential travel plan version 2.3 (approved under condition 30 of permission 19/00979/OUTM for the overall site).  


For the avoidance of doubt, the following measures from the Fore residential travel plan version 2.3, and the further requirements of condition 30 of 19/00979/OUTM remain applicable and shall be adhered to -




Notwithstanding the approved travel plans, in advance of each annual monitoring survey, the required response rate, or alternative means of measuring travel habits, shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The monitoring shall thereafter take place in accordance with the approved details.


Within two months of the completion of the travel surveys, the Developer Travel Plan Coordinator shall prepare a Monitoring Report containing the following:

- Survey methodology and results

- Qualitative feedback

- An analysis on the effectiveness of the Travel Plan

-  Proposals for future measures

The report shall be submitted to the Council for discussion and agreement.


Enhanced measures


The following measures shall be repeated annually if the travel plan targets are not met -

- Doorstep Personalised travel planning

- Residents offered vouchers to supplement cycle and equipment purchase

- Residents offered funding for free/discounted public transport tickets

- Residents offered free car club membership & drive time for residents


The annual reviews shall also explore and deliver (subject to demand) space for a second car club car on site.


Reason: To promote sustainable transport in accordance with NPPF section 9 and as a response rate of 30% of occupied dwellings is considered insufficient to adequately monitor travel habits.




Notes to Applicant




In considering the application, the Local Planning Authority has implemented the requirements set out within the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 38) in seeking solutions to problems identified during the processing of the application.  The Local Planning Authority took the following steps in order to achieve a positive outcome: sought revised plans and the use of planning conditions.


Contact details:

Case Officer:     Jonathan Kenyon

Tel No:                01904 551323